Informed Scotland June 2021 – The future of school & tertiary education

Issue 92 includes key guidance up to and including 9 July.

The hottest topic in June was the final report of the OECD review of Curriculum for Excellence, with the Scottish Government accepting all 12 recommendations and announcing significant changes ahead for the qualifications, curriculum and inspection bodies. We’ve provided our subscribers with a helpful Annex containing the recommendations and response in full.

Had it not been for the above, the Scottish Funding Council’s review of tertiary education & research would have taken the headlines with its final report. We’ll have to wait until September for the Scottish Government’s response to this one, however.

These weren’t the only major reports; take a look at:

Plus there was the usual batch of statistical reports and surveys, including on school leavers, looked after children, attainment, apprenticeships, students and graduates. 

We don’t just cover reports and big announcements… On an enterprising, musical note, the University of the West of Scotland launched Damfino Records, a record label to be run by students. It’s not the first though: Edinburgh Napier University students launched Mirror Glass Records in May 2021, Aberdeen University created Vox Regis in 2016 – and Glasgow Kelvin College launched Electric Honey in 1992! Did I miss any? Any before 1992?

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