Informed Scotland – April issue published

AJ Enterprises

Each month in pulling together content for Informed Scotland some interesting trends emerge across the learning and skills landscape. In April it was all about creating maps and closing gaps.

pfeg’s new Take Charge partnership movement is to generate a living State of the Nation map of financial and enterprise education initiatives. Nesta is creating a living map of jobs innovators. Highlands & Islands Enterprise launched an interactive map of employment in the energy sector. And People 1st published an interactive travel and transport career map. Each map is, or aims to be, interactive and ‘alive’ to change, demonstrating the beauty of mapping online – enabling the viewer not only to learn from the map, but to add to it.

Gaps and divisions were reported and measured in all sectors: Between young people in deprived and better-off areas of the country – in their literacy levels and their progression to higher education. Between boys and girls, men and women – in their written work at school, their further education destinations and their jobs. Between those who have and those who don’t have access to, or the ability to use, the internet. Between jobs available and appropriately skilled employees. Between the expectations of young people and recruiting employers. We report on the concerns expressed, and the strenuous and innovative efforts to close all these gaps.

Find out how to get your copy, with all this and more. Follow Informed Scotland on Twitter @InformedScot


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