Announcing a new Informed Scotland guest blog series

Later this week we’ll publish the first of our new guest blogs, featuring Informed Scotland subscribers. We’re delighted to announce that the UK Commission for Employment & Skills (UKCES) will be launching the series. Organisations and individuals will be writing from their different perspectives on the theme Making connections across the learning & skills landscape. 

Informed Scotland makes connections across learning and skills in business, education, government and wider society, and seeks to identify emerging patterns and themes. As well as keeping busy people up to date with what’s happening, it aims to highlight opportunities for cross-sectoral learning and collaboration.

This is our opportunity to share subscribers’ stories about innovative, successful connections – such as those between education and business, school and university, arts and science, public and private training bodies, adult and young learners… You might read about the benefits of collaborating and learning from others; ideas generated in one sector, picked up and developed to suit another; future opportunities and projects; or the hurdles overcome to achieve success. But as it’s a guest blog, we’re as in the dark – and as excited – as you to see what’s coming!

Check back later this week to read the excellent article from UKCES – connecting dots with new insights

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