Informed Scotland June 2020 – Planning for recovery

Once again there were numerous surveys and reports examining the impact of COVID-19 on learning and skills, including on headteachers and deputes by the EIS, on higher education students by HEPI, and on CLD practitioners by CLD Standards Council Scotland.

That said, word of the month was ‘recovery’, as the emphasis began to shift from examining the immediate impact of the pandemic to determining the best way to cautiously rebuild and reopen the economy and society, including early learning centres, schools, colleges and universities. Reports to highlight include those by:

Aside from COVID-19, the Additional Support for Learning Review published its report and the Commissioner for Fair Access published his third annual review. Then there was the usual batch of statistical reports and surveys, including on school leavers by the Scottish Government, Modern and Foundation Apprenticeships by Skills Development Scotland, students by Advance HE and HEPI, and graduates by the Higher Education Statistics Agency.

NOTE: Better late than never… Our subscribers received the June 2020 issue a week ago (14 July). The digest was published later than usual so that we could include as many important announcements and publications from early July as possible, particularly as the July/August edition isn’t due out until early September.

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