Informed Scotland February 2019 – Inclusive, empowered, connected


There was no shortage of learning and skills activity in blink-and-you-missed-it February. A range of hot topics, familiar and new, presented themselves across the landscape.

Inclusion was referenced in all sectors:

There is a new SCQF Inclusive Recruiter campaign; a new Creative Scotland Create:Inclusion Fund; a new HUB for SUCCESS offering support to care experienced young people in Edinburgh; and a new Prince’s Trust project to develop digital skills for unemployed and underemployed 16–30 year-olds across the UK backed by

There was a report on Building a World-Leading AI and Data Strategy for an Inclusive Scotland by SCDI and partners; a new Addressing inclusion guide for teachers on challenging racism in schools by the Coalition for Racial Equality & Rights and respectme; and a discussion paper on Disabled students at university by the Commissioner for Fair Access.

Other reports to highlight this month include:

And look out for affordable coworking spaces opening up in libraries across the country, thanks to SLIC’s imaginative new Scottish Coworking Network. Take it from one who knows: coworking is to be recommended for micro-businesses, freelancers or start-ups – it absolutely creates opportunities for cross-fertilisation of learning and ideas!

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