Informed Scotland March 2021 – Attainment gap, skills gaps & diversity

Issue 89 includes key announcements and guidance up to and including 8 April.

March was another busy month, with the added pile of strategies and manifestos published ahead of the Scottish Parliament election. Four key themes dominated:

The poverty-related attainment gap, with A report on progress 2016–2021 from the Scottish Government, and a separate progress report from Audit Scotland.

Race and diversity featured across the landscape. Two reports were published by the Scottish Government on the teaching profession – a progress report on diversity and the first of a new annual data report on the same topic; and the Scottish Funding Council launched new resources on tackling racism on campus.

Digital and cyber security skills, including a refreshed digital strategy and new AI strategy for Scotland; a UK Government report on Cyber security skills in the UK labour market; plus a Learning & Work report on the digital skills gap.

A range of thought-provoking and challenging reports on learning, teaching and assessment policy for Scottish schools:

Also look out for UCAS’s report on what influences the education choices of school leavers.

With the Scottish Parliament election looming, we’ll be publishing a brief Election Extra later this month with links to manifestos and resources relevant to learning & skills.

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