Informed Scotland May 2024 – Helping you make sense of learning & skills since 2012

May was a much busier month for learning & skills in Scotland. The latest digest is packed with reports, announcements and guidance of interest across the landscape, including: This edition marks Informed Scotland’s 12th anniversary It’s always revealing to recall what was shaping the learning & skills landscape in May 2012, with an eye to […]

Informed Scotland Learning & Skills Hottest Topics 2023

Which learning & skills topics appeared on the most covers of Informed Scotland over the past year? Here’s the 11th annual list. =1. Digital literacy, skills & inclusion (– in 2022) =1. Energy transition & green skills, jobs & workforce (=3) = 3. Apprenticeships (–) = 3. Colleges – finance, students, staff & regionalisation (NEW) […]

Informed Scotland May 2023 – All Learners Matter

The hottest topic in May was publication of the National Discussion on Education – Final report. The National Discussion was led by Prof Carol Campbell and Prof Alma Harris, who describe the scale of the response as ‘unprecedented in the history of engagement about the Scottish education system’. We now wait to see what impact […]

Informed Scotland Learning & Skills Hottest Topics 2022

Which learning & skills topics appeared on the most covers of Informed Scotland over the past year? Here’s the tenth annual list. =1. Recruitment, vacancies & workforce shortages (NEW) =1. Qualifications, exams, assessment & review (=9 in 2021) =3. Energy transition & net zero skills & jobs (NEW) =3. Skills shortages & gaps – upskilling […]

2022: Taking stock & saying thanks

AJ Enterprises has been busy throughout another challenging but productive year. Angela has continued to work with, for or alongside some fabulous clients, associates and coworkers. It’s hard to believe it’s been ten years since I took the plunge and began producing the learning & skills digest Informed Scotland. The 100th issue was published in […]

Informed Scotland May 2022 – Adult learning & the young workforce

This edition marks 10 years since the first issue of Informed Scotland! As long-standing subscribers and followers know, each year at this point I like to remind us all that in May 2012 youth unemployment in Scotland stood at a miserable 23.1%. It currently stands at a much improved 5.6%, which looks even more impressive when […]

Informed Scotland Learning & Skills Hottest Topics 2021

Which learning & skills topics appeared on the most covers of Informed Scotland over the past year? Here’s the ninth annual list. =1. COVID-19 – impact, support & recovery (1 in 2020) =1. Digital skills & inclusion (3) =1. Skills shortages & gaps – upskilling, reskilling & recovery (=5) =4. Developing & supporting the young […]

2021 reflections & thanks

AJ Enterprises has been busy throughout another challenging year. Angela was fortunate to continue to work with and support some fabulous clients, associates and coworkers. Informed Scotland subscribers were kept up to date with learning & skills across the landscape, including the impact of Covid-19. As well as the monthly digests, I published a Scottish […]

Informed Scotland Learning & Skills Hottest Topics 2020

We’re delighted to present the eighth annual list of Learning & Skills ‘Hot Topics’ that made it onto the cover of Informed Scotland over the past year: 1. COVID-19 impact & response (NEW) 2. Online, remote & technology enhanced learning & teaching (NEW) 3. Digital skills & inclusion (1 in 2019) 4. Youth employment & […]

Reflecting on a year like no other

Work has been a haven to escape to at times, and for that, I’d particularly like to thank clients, associates, coworkers and contacts. I’ve been fortunate that AJ Enterprises’ projects have been able to continue throughout 2020. Informed Scotland subscribers have been kept up to date about learning & skills as usual. Since March, this […]